Categories for: Uncategorized

Leveraging Social Media to Grow Your Medical Practice

One of the most important aspects of a private medical practice is marketing. Marketing is what drives business for a private practice. Thus, investing in marketing is crucial to growing a private practice. An easy and accessible way to market a private practice is through social media. Social media is an area of near-limitless potential…

MedCoShare Podcast: Dr. Manuj Agarwal

MedCoShare's CEO, Ronak Vyas, and Dr. Manuj Agarwal sitting together for the MedCoShare Podcast

In This Episode: Visit Provider Page: Blue Wellth Welcome to today’s podcast! Our guest is Dr. Manuj Agarwal, an expert in oncology, cell biology, and fitness, who is pioneering the field of longevity and integrative health. Based at MedCoShare’s King of Prussia office, Dr. Agarwal is here to discuss his transition from traditional healthcare to…

How to Market Your Private Medical Practice

Getting patients to your private practice is a big challenge. Even if you provide quality care, you can lose money if you don’t receive enough patients. Ultimately, you’re running a business, meaning marketing is vital for a private medical office. Many rules of marketing for small businesses apply to private medical practices. Furthermore, there are…

Do Doctors Make More in Private Practice Compared to Health Systems?

Naturally, the answer depends on quite a few factors, but on average, as compiled by data from Medical Economics and Wolters Kluwer, doctors working for private practice earn approximately 10% more than healthcare providers working in larger health systems. This is due to several factors: with more autonomy, doctors can have more ownership equity, the…