Categories for: Press stories

CEO Ronak Vyas on the Medi-Ops Show.

While at the HLTH 2023 Conference, our CEO Ronak Vyas was able to sit down with The Medi-Ops Show to discuss a bit about MedCoShare. Check out the episode in it’s entirety here:

Healthcare CEOs discuss current challenges in healthcare

COVID-19 has changed the landscape of medicine, redefining healthcare and the work within it. Before the pandemic, there was already a shortage of healthcare providers, and it has gotten worse, leading to stress and burnout in those who remain in the field. Speaking to the World Economic Forum team, six healthcare executives discussed these challenges,…

Great article on going from employment to private practice

Another writeup on Medscape about how physicians leave employment, and start their own practices. They interview four physicians, who describe some of the challenges, but also are clearly enthusiastic about the rewards. Here’s a notable quote: If it’s not yet apparent, all four of these doctors highly recommend moving from employment to private practice…

Why private practice is not going away

A terrific article in the Business of Medicine section of Medscape, talking about physicians who do not want to be employees going back to private practice, or doing it for the first time. A lot of compelling stories from individual docs here, as well a discussion of the larger picture. There are a lot of…

Article in Philadelphia Medicine

We got a little write-up in Philadelphia Medicine, talking about co-working as a new model of running a practice. As we approach the opening of our Marlton location in just a few weeks, we’re excited about any press coverage that helps us get the word out to the healthcare community. Without naming any names, we’re…

Our interview in Chain Store Age

We got interviewed in an outlet focused on retail spaces. While we aren’t focused specifically on retail spaces, our first location is in a mixed-use building, and this publication covers business in the kind of “main street” setting where we are looking to grow. We’re excited that, little by little, the business press is…

NREI article

There is an article about us in NREI. This is a bit of “inside baseball” – it’s a publication mostly for real-estate professionals and investors, rather than the public. However, we’re glad to reach investors since we’ve got plans to grow to additional locations in the next year, and are glad to discuss plans with…

We’re in PhillyMag!

Another article about us just out today in PhillyMag: The consolidation of the healthcare industry has made it harder for independent doctors and other healthcare providers to find space and resources. We’re here to help, and this article explains how and why. One thing this article didn’t talk about is our flexibility for those…