Useful SEO Tips for Healthcare Providers

doctor using an ipad

Online marketing is a challenging task for private practice physicians. Many healthcare providers begin the task with a website to promote their practice. However, they might notice that their website isn’t getting many visitors. A leading method of improving organic traffic for a website is called search engine optimization (SEO). In this blog, we will discuss the importance of SEO and also some SEO tips to help raise your Google rank.

The Importance of Optimization

Good SEO raises the rank of your website on Google. A higher rank on Google raises the chances that patients will click on your website and discover your services. An analysis from Backlinko reveals that the top result on Google gets around 27.6% of all clicks. Considering that around 100 million daily Google Searches are health-related, raising your Google rank is a vital task. The importance of this task is why MedCoShare has MCS Services, a team built to help improve your SEO. 

SEO Tips to Raise Your Google Rank

Healthcare marketing is different from other industries because of the various areas in healthcare. For example, SEO for a medical equipment website will differ compared to a private practice website. You need to tailor your SEO for your services because of these differences in the industry. There are some strategies to optimize a website for a healthcare provider. 

1. Creating content

    Content drives search traffic. Thus, creating content is an important component of SEO. One crucial part of creating content is centralizing it around keywords. Keywords are simply the words that someone enters in the search bar. For example, “Therapy near me.” Content can be anything from a blog to videos, but the content needs to surround the keywords specific to your practice. 

    2. Interlinking web pages

      Are your deeper pages not getting enough traffic? Then create an internal link. An internal link is a link that leads from one page of your website to another. An example of this is a link to MCS Services, a branch of MedCoShare focused on helping private practice physicians with marketing.

      3. Local SEO

        Local SEO is optimizing your SEO to rank higher for searches in a particular area. Medical practitioners can benefit from ranking for location-based keywords. This fact is especially true for physicians with a physical location. Thus, people searching for services in your area have a greater chance of finding your practice. 

        In conclusion, SEO is a crucial aspect of online marketing for private practice physicians. You can raise your Google rank by creating content, interlinking web pages, and improving local SEO. Do you need help marketing your private practice? Book a consultation with us at MCS Services.


        Date: July 19, 2024

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        - Dr. Michaela Mocanu, MD | Hypertension and Kidney Health LLC

        We joined MedCoShare about a year ago and I can say with great confidence that's it's been a great experience for us so far. It's been exciting to enter the Philadelphia market. Patient feedback has been positive. There's an easy check-in process, wait times have been minimal to non-existent, and the lobby has a medspa type of vibe. We look forward to growing with MedCoShare.

        - Nick Anziedo | Physician

        The MedCoShare team has been very responsive and easy to work with when my schedule changes.  When my clients arrive, they feel safe, comfortable, and the aesthetics have an excellent image for my business.  I don't have to worry about maintaining the facilities and can focus on my equipment and patients.

        - Marybell Rodriguez

        Being a new small business owner in the midst of a pandemic, MedCoShare has been a blessing.  Where else could I start a business, build clients, and have a flexible membership with no long-term commitments for peace of mind during the uncertainty?!  If business speeds up or slows down then I can adjust my membership accordingly.

        - Marybell Rodriguez