Dylan Ritch

Regional Manager

Interpersonal team and community builder

Plays and host table top RPGs (role-playing video games),

Used to be a powerlifter, now focusing more on functional fitness

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Who is



Coming from a business trade school then straight to college for business, it is no surprise that Dylan dove head first into growing MedCoShare. While he have worn a lot of hats in the places he has worked, Dylan has always prefered more management roles and loves working with people and a team!

What does MedCoShare

mean to



When Dylan sees a medical professional sigh a breath of relief, gleam with excitement, or burn with passion because MedCoShare was the solution to starting their private practice, it instills him with a sense of pride to be a part of that solution.

What does


do outside of work?

Dylan really doesn't have any one hobby rather he has a love for learning and exploring new things; you can really catch him anywhere, taking in everything the world has to offer!

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