MedCoShare Podcast: Patient Success Story with Danielle McLane

Ronak Vyas and Danielle McLane on patient experience

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WellZone Medical Weight Loss

Welcome to today’s special bonus episode of our podcast! We’re thrilled to have Danielle McLane with us, a patient who visited WellZone about six weeks ago. Danielle had an unexpected but delightful experience during her visit, interacting with multiple providers in one day. She initially came to see Jade but ended up receiving care from a podiatrist and learning about the range of services WellZone offers. Let’s dive into her story and hear more about this unique experience. Danielle, welcome to the show!

Audio Transcript:

Ronak 0:00

Hey everyone on today’s special bonus episode, we have a patient of ours, Danielle McLane. She came in about six weeks ago to see one of our providers WellZone and she had a really cool experience. So I wanted to share that with all of you, Danielle, welcome to the show. 

Danielle 0:18

Thank you. Thank you for having me. 

Ronak 0:20

Yeah, so tell us a little bit about what happened. I know you came to see Jade of WellZone and then you ended up seeing a few more providers the same day so what happened? 

Danielle 0:30

So, I had a scheduled appointment with Jade and prior to my appointment, I hit my toe on the countertop in my house. So you know, I came in here still because it was a scheduled appointment, and I was limping because I was in pain. So Jade’s assistant Onnie asked me, she said, Why are you limping? I was like, “I hit my toe it’s okay, I’ll put some bandage on it or whatever.” She was like, “Well, we have a foot doctor here. And maybe she should take a look at it because it could be broke.” And I’m like, “It’s probably not broke it’s probably okay.” Then I’m like, “What? You guys have a foot doctor?” And she was like, “Yeah, let me introduce you to her.” So she introduced me to the foot doctor and her assistant. And I said, you know, I was telling her what happened and she was like, “It could be fractured.” I said, “Will you guys take my insurance?” And she was like, “Well which insurance.” I showed it to her. She was like, “We do!” So I was like, “Oh, wow, great.” So Jade said, “Let her take care of you. And then you could come see me.” So we’re walking through the hallway. And all of a sudden I hear this crack, crack crack. And I’m like, “What was that noise?” And they were like, “It’s a chiropractor.” I say, “There’s a chiropractor in here too?”

So they were like, “Yeah, so one of the ladies was getting her back adjusted.” And I was like, “Wow, that’s neat.” So I go in there, to see the foot doctor, and she gives me an x-ray. Come to find out that my toe was broken. So she bandaged me up, she wrapped me up. And she gave me a boot. After that, I was like, “Well, since I’m here, I might as well go see the chiropractor as well.” So I went to go to him and he was like, “Well, I’m heading out but you could schedule an appointment to come see me.” And we went over rates and how much. Everyone was just so friendly. And then I went to my actual scheduled appointment with Jade at WellZone. But, everyone was amazing. Everyone in these offices are just amazing. But it came full circle. It was like a one stop shop. 

Ronak 2:23

Exactly. And that’s a really cool experience. And that’s why I wanted to share this with our audience. You know, you came in for one thing, but like you said, it’s a one stop shop. So we have multiple doctors. So you saw Dr. Wendy Le the podiatrist. And then Dr. Leggett as well, the chiro, so how are you feeling now? So this was about six weeks ago. 

Danielle 2:43

This was about six weeks ago. And I just saw Dr. Wendy last week when I came in here to see Jade. And she was like, “How are you feeling?” I’m like, “I feel great!” So believe it or not, up until about last week, I had pain in my toe like I didn’t have it wrapped or anything but my toe was still painful. So she was like, “Give it some time. You know, it’s a bone it has to heal properly. Just don’t wear any shoes.” So I hadn’t been wearing high heels or anything. So I feel great. I feel great. 

Ronak 3:16

So great to hear. 

Danielle 3:17

Yes. I feel great with Dr. Wendy. Jade and WellZone are just amazing. So is this definitely a full circle. Definitely a one stop shop. 

Ronak 3:28

Awesome. So would you recommend us to your family and friends? 

Danielle 3:31

Absolutely! I have! I’ve recommended you guys to a lot of people. And also, I have a girlfriend that has a hydration business. They came here and spoke with Anthony because I told her I’m like, “This place is amazing.” And come to find out her and Jade went to college and work together. 

Ronak 3:50

Oh, it’s a small world.

Danielle 3:51

Small world. So, she came here she saw everyone. It was amazing. She met with Anthony. And I said this would be a beautiful home for you. Like it’s everyone in here is amazing. They’re friendly. It’s nice. It’s a great environment for you. So Anthony gave her some information. And she’s looking into either this location. I believe you guys have another one and it’s Fishtown. 

Ronak 4:12

Yep, we have. So we have three locations total. This one in King of Prussia.

Fishtown as well, so that’s, you know, suburb of Philadelphia, and Marlton, New Jersey. And we’re looking to expand outside this region as well. Looking and going to Texas and then down the up and down the Northeast. So yeah, stay tuned for that. But, we appreciate having you here. Daniel, this amazing story and thanks. Thanks for sharing. 

Danielle 4:40

Yes, thank you guys! Thank you guys for this amazing environment in this coast space. It’s beautiful! 

Ronak 4:48

Awesome. Thank you!


You’re welcome!

Date: July 16, 2024

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